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Empresa Masonica

The Regius Manuscript. Early Masonic Cathechism.

Documentos de Historia Masónica.. Documentos de Historia Masónica.. Documentos de Historia Masónica..

The Regius Manuscript. 1390.
Early Masonic Cathechism.
Texto en Inglés.. Old English Text with Modern English Translation in Front.
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 The Regius Manuscript. Early Masonic Cathechism.

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The Regius Manuscript or Regius Poem, also known as the Halliwell Manuscript, is the first known Masonic text. It consists of 64 written pages in poetic form. The poem begins by evoking Euclid and his invention of geometry in ancient Egypt and then the spreading of the art of geometry in "divers lands." This is followed by fifteen points for the master concerning both moral behaviour (do not harbour thieves, do not take bribes, attend church regularly, etc.) and the operation of work on a building site (do not make your masons labour at night, teach apprentices properly, do not take on jobs that you cannot do etc.). There are then fifteen points for craftsmen which follow a similar pattern. The general consensus on the age of the document dates its writing to between the late 1300s and the middle of the 15th century, and from internal evidence its author appears to have been a West of England clergyman. The manuscript was recorded in various personal inventories as it changed hands until it came into possession of the Royal Library, which was donated to the British Museum in 1757 by King George II to form the nucleus of the present British Library. During this time, the document was generally described as a poem of moral duties. The significance of the document as relating to Freemasonry was not realized until it was featured in an article on Freemasonry by James Halliwell in 1840.

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